Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We made soft drinks

When I was a child in the 60's we'd drive to my aunty's who lived at the Gap. We went in our little blue VW. Mum, Dad, myself and my two brothers. We'd go past Tristram's on the way, before we crossed the William Jolly bridge. I'd wait for the moment, cause I'd know the building would be coming up.

I always had a fascination with its architecture even though I was just a kid. I'd watch the trucks with the old wooden crates and the bottles all stacked up - I loved the fact that it was a Brisbane based company. I loved the pineapple drink. Golden Circle might have made pineapple too but it's the Tristram one I always remember.

It made me feel like Brisbane was really important - WE MADE SOFT DRINKS! It's great that the building is still here.
Anne Parker

West End favourites - Peters Icecream

In the early 1950's we came to visit the Peter's icecream factory.
At the time I didn't know it was in West End but I did know that it had a huge icecream cone on the lawn out the front! Yum!

After you went for a slightly boring walk through the factory if you were young and handsome (like Malcolm!) you were given a free icecream. And then there was
the Tristram's soft drink factory - just down the road. But that's another story!

Malcolm 'Have a Heart' Campbell

We Like West End (and Port Augusta)!

John - coffee shop, Ernie - I love West End fruit shop, Rob - Colville St, George - Southbank, Lionel - cattle stations (Lionel's not really a West End boy! He's from Port Augusta!) Jonathon - Mater Hospital (and Jonathon also loves the Ekka, it's nearly Ekka time!)