The Gun Shop closed down in the late 90's. 'There was a story that a bloke went in and bought a gun and that he was going to come down Boundary St and kill people but luckily the coppers went around to his place and stopped him.'
There used to be a shoe repair shop called Brandons on the corner of Melbourne and Browning Streets. After the shoe repair shop there was a cafe where you could play records and experiment with making different sounds. There was also a pizza shop nearby. It was called Enzo's.
Emma's bookshop used to be in Vulture Street. Next to the bookshop was a fantastic deli. The Tru Value hardware shop was on the corner of Boundary and Vulture Streets. 'Cash Converters' was on the corner where the old hardware shop was for a while.
There have been so many changes in the last while it's hard to keep up to date.
From discussion with George, Kenny and David