It was great to have some new people join us last night - a big welcome to Richard, Dave and Lyn. We spent the evening catching up with each other, adding to our Google Map of West End and doing some podcasts. It was lovely to hear Anne recording her recollections of Tristrams. John came along with a painting which we were going to photograph but instead he shared one of his witty poems. We'll be adding it soon to our podcasts.
As we added places to the map someone mentioned the scrub turkeys in Colville Street. I always think it's great that in a place so close to the centre of the city we still end up talking about
scrub turkeys! Some of us have even seen them wandering across quite busy roads around West End.
When we next meet in a fortnight's time (19th August) we'll have a look at
MySpace, check out the comments feature on the blog, join some group members so more people can contribute, take some photos and get some permission forms from newcomers.